Slumber Party – 14 Girls in a 6m Diameter Bell Tent!

When Rachel contacted us before Christmas saying she wanted to fit 14 girls in a 6 m diameter bell tent, we weren’t sure it would be possible….
Being resourceful and creative Rachel managed to create the slumber party of her daughters dreams 🙂
“I managed to get around the space problem by buying stretcher bunks. This allowed me to fit a very tight 14 beds in the 6m Belle tent. Very cosy but the girls loved it.
The tent looked amazing and gave the girls such a magical experience that they haven’t stopped talking about it.
Quote from one of the 10 year old girls “Slumber parties tend to be lame Mum but this party was amazing!”
I have now set a very high bar for my next birthday parties.
Rachel Wood
Thank you soooo much Rachel for sending through these incredible photographs, it is so good to see that this can be done and thank you for sharing your creative solutions with us!
Thank you Rachel and Mackenzie for sharing these pictures with us, it looks like a beautiful party and we look forward to seeing photographs of your adventures in years to come!
Breathe Bell Tents